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- The 93:20 Newsletter - Issue 6
The 93:20 Newsletter - Issue 6

Hello, and welcome to the latest issue, which you will be glad to know is fairly short. I was all pumped on Sunday night for the largest newsletter ever. A 200,000 word missive against Arsenal football club, and their pitiful fan base. Wondering if they may even be worse than certain other rival fan bases. Decrying Doku for not getting a yellow card was the moment I began to consider that they may well be, but let’s never underestimate the United fan base, considering some of those that represent them in the public forums. To truly judge they need to be a true rival and actually be good again, so patience is required. A draw against Twente is probably not the best start.
But it bever happened, that massive missive, and it is probably for the best. There’s no point me ranting about what you already know. About the delusion and self-importance that pervades. A delusion that sees a fanbase talk about class when they too take oil money and are happy to take money from a repressive regime. The good guys, apparently.
No, no need. Enough is enough. Because, after that full-time whistle eventually went, what was originally hilarious, soon was not. That’s how unbearable this whole week has been, with little surprise that the pitiful snowflakes are still whinging about non-existent sleights. And then APT came along, kind of, and I ripped the router straight out of its socket.
We all love a bit of a “to-do” on the pitch, let’s be honest. Nevertheless, railing against the team, manager and more is little more than a diversion. The real villains are at boardroom level, a non too discreet war waged against our club by more than one club, happy to leak and lobby to suit their own pitiful needs. That’s where class has really deserted some.
However, I cannot move on without at least touching on Sunday’s events. A game I had to watch alone on a laptop as I was away, a soul-sapping experience, and I missed out on another historic goal celebration moment by not being in the ground, though I have been spoilt for many years, so not the end of the world. Look, if I am being truly honest now the dust has finally settled, of sorts, I don’t think that Arsenal were that physical or dirty. There’s plenty to criticize them without focusing on this aspect. Their manager is Pep-lite, devoid of any real personality, which explains the endless team-building events to compensate. The time-wasting is pitiful, embarrassing and obvious, but that’s for others to work out how to deal with. The fan base need no introduction, and no words of mine can do them justice. Matt Scott is a deserving spokesman, born to serve.
The obvious point, that has seen two red cards this season already and seventeen during the Arteta reign, is that he sent them out again to be rough and emotional and the team paid the price, not for the first time either. Let them remain in denial, thinking that this is all some big conspiracy and that the world is against them. This is what we want. It means they won’t rectify the issues that are there. All the while, the fan base want you to know that City are RATTLED, and that their team is once more BACK. But deep down, they need a Rodri cruciate ligament injury to really give them hope, hence the rampant celebrating at his misfortune. Because key is how much City have broken other fan bases, and just how much they are invested, dependent on the 115/130 charges sticking. It cannot be underestimated that in the eyes of many other fans, this is now the sole avenue for their future success. Not out performing City on the pitch, but the club having its wings clipped. Yeah, we’re all rattled us blues. Guess we’ll just have the last four Premier League titles to reminisce about as compensation. Or seven, take your pick.
Anyway, that is enough. So in the end, this is the shortest of the newsletters. Time to move on. It’s Friday, miraculously it is not raining, both teams have since played another game, and there is another huge game looming for City.
But before I go…..
Finally, City have released (some) plans and groovy artist impressions of the redeveloped North Stand. A reminder that reality never matches an artist impression, but still it looks good, with lots of “stuff” for all. But, whilst I am of course grateful we have owners who are prepared to invest in this manner (whilst having no personal connection or love for an owner who does not share my personal ideals and is involved, whether we like to admit it or not, in some reprehensible governmental policy), and applaud their vision and ambition, what is not mentioned is perhaps just as relevant here.
This stand is an opportunity, one that may not present itself ever again. In a sanitised world of top level English football, where atmosphere is an enormous issue, where working class fans have been priced out of the sport they love, in an ever-expanding schedule and where money rules more than ever, this stand is a golden opportunity to do something special. To get that atmosphere, to make more seats in the ground affordable, to cater for everyone. It wouldn’t be difficult either and the WeAre1894 group have been happy to work with the club with ideas on how to achieve this. From cheap tickets to singing sections, widespread rail seating, a Dortmund-style large terrace, acoustic measures and more. As expected, the club appears to have shown willing whilst simultaneously ignoring the group, because let’s be honest here, decisions will be made on a commercial basis. It’s like all those surveys the club send you, that you know will not make an iota of difference to how the club is run. So whilst this new stand will look spectacular, will be a net positive, and have so many positive aspects to it, the nagging doubt remains that it will be an opportunity missed, as City’s release is notable for its spectacular lack of detail. Forgive me if I am not swooning at a glossy brochure.
And of course – of course - the one thing the club have not mentioned is ticket prices. We wait with baited breath for the upcoming crushing disappointment.
Still, when someone on Bluemoon is angry at the idea of prayer rooms and sensory rooms, perhaps it’s a waste of time trying to please our fanbase. Don’t moan at the things that are there, that serve some fans, moan (if you must) at what is not there. City Matters Reps meet the club in October. Have a voice, and pass on questions and issues you’d like raised.
Oh just one more thing….
A quick word on the APT shenanigans on Thursday. It has clearly confused a lot of people, so I thought I would take a few seconds to explain where we are at with it all. Look, the situation is perfectly clear. City took the Premier League to court and a tribunal at the Hague, to sue them and also to get removed the existing party transaction rules. They wanted them ripped up entirely, and also just the latest modifications earlier this year to be dropped. The Premier League meeting on Thursday had a database discussion postponed and permanently dropped because City have defeated the Premier League at the APT tribunal. And also had a partial victory. And also lost. The news on this will be released imminently, but will also be kept secret. This could have a huge bearing on the 115 charges, whilst also being totally unrelated.
I hope that clears things up.
Very, very definitely finally, it seems that Chelsea are good again. Which got me thinking… how funny would it be if the next non-City winner of the Premier League was Chelsea, and not Arsenal or Liverpool?

What We Have Done This Week
It’s been fairly quiet, with only four shows, a banner appeal and a succession of competitions! Not really much to talk about, was there?
The 93:20 Review – Heart of Stones
Ste, Howard and Ahsan attempt to pick the bones out of a rather eventful match at the Etihad.
The 93:20 Review:- Over The Line

Lloyd and Bailey look back at the Carabao win over Watford and assess the ramifications of a serious Rodri injury.
The Premier League Show:- Episode 36
As always a look around the grounds as another big weekend approaches, with Ste, Joe and Howard
The Friday Show
Packed as always, with Ahsan and Howard looking at another eventful week and previewing a tough trip to Newcastle. Harry De Cosemo also pops in to talk about City’s weekend opponents.
Banner Appeal
When Ahsan spoke to Marti Perarnau last month, Marti mentioned in passing that a banner asking Pep to stay may actually influence his decision. And so in conjunction with WeAre1894, a banner is to be produced for an upcoming home game! And we at 9320 will match nay donations made – just ensure when donating that you mention us (you can leave messages of support when donating – that’s where you need to tag us in). Here is the link should you wish to donate.
And do check out our Twitter I(never X) feed for a succession of competitions. We’ve got old City literature up for grabs, the Francis Lee autobiography and at least three other books up for grabs. Unfortunately one of them is mine.
Have a great weekend, and as always – up the blues.
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